Call for Contributors!


When I started Inspire, I knew I wanted to make this organization a community organization. I knew this is how we could fill the social service and mental health gaps best. People are brilliant with knowing what works for them! And how better to do that, than inviting our community to contribute in whatever ways they feel work for them?

  1. We have committees which tell us what’s important for change. From various backgrounds and life experiences, each person has great value.
  2. We involve community members whenever and however we can in researching what’s already great and working. Why? Because there is no one who know better.
  3. Blogging. It’s a really good way to reach people in their homes, with information that anyone can use.

So, please be invited to share your ideas to positively influence our community. Help them feel understood, and hopeful. Tell your story, about something that works for you, to help you feel healthy and well.

Please e-mail to submit your writings/ideas!

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