Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I donate?

  • Click HERE
  • Mail a cheque  made out to Inspire Community Outreach (1344 Main St, Wpg, MB, R2W 3T6)
  • Email us at to meet with us and drop a donation off.

Q: Where does the fundraising money go?

A: The funds raised by fundraisers throughout the year fund our free or nearly free programming and supports, delivered right to children, youth and families in Manitoba. We also create free documents to share with our community, which have been used throughout Canada and even to the USA.

Q: What does Inspire do anyways?

A: Inspire supports children, youth and family with unique challenges, like cognitive, neurological, physical and mental health disabilities. Families like ours, as the individuals who run inspire have professional and personal experience supporting children with diverse needs. We support nearly 3000 community members yearly, through free programs, education, advocacy and one-on-one support, and currently are run nearly entirely on small donations through the year.

 Q: Why haven’t I heard about Inspire, because it seems really awesome?

A: Inspire was founded in October 2013, with the hope that teens experiencing mental health distress could gain skills to improve their mental health at no expense to them or their family. As we’ve grown, we’ve stayed true to our roots, being lead by community voice, and in most cases, youth. We are volunteers, parents (of so many kids), researchers, and have primarily worked through other organizations.

 Q: What ages of children does Inspire support?

A: Inspire primarily supports children and youth aged 3-21. A big part of the support we offer is to the caregivers, because as caregivers are feeling like they have the skills and support they need, the children benefit too (plus they’re fantastic!).

 Q: How can my family receive help?

A: Inspire supports families who include children with mental health concerns, either a diagnosed or UNDIAGNOSED challenge. NO REFERRAL is needed from a Dr or professional. You can simply call or email us and we will do what we can to:

1) connect you to resources that may help

2) offer a listening ear

3) Match you up to programs that we offer for FREE near you!

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