PAST: Parent Connection Program: Wolseley School

Parents and caregivers of children with differences are invited to learn information directed in a family-centered way.  Learn about topics that are important to you, by sharing your ideas. Professionals are hand chosen by parent committee. Topics include promoting attachment, understanding behaviour, providing guidance, coping with disability in the family, self-care and stress management, advocacy and working with the community.

Empowerment, support in regards to having a family that includes a child with differences will be a focus.

All family members are welcome, including main child care providers and children.
Free child care, bus tokens, snacks
Free resources for your whole family

Location: Wolseley School
Facilitated by Angela Taylor
Offered in three evening sessions, October-December 2016

Join us for the Empowered Families Program in Partnership with FACT beginning February 1, 2017.

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