Want to be a Great Facilitator? Me too.

I want to tell you about one of the more recent training I received.

I was invited to take part in a 2 day facilitators training at the Winnipeg Transition Centre. The founder Ron, and his great team, offered this at no cost to support the work we do at Inspire.

I want to share with you some really positive things about my experience. The group of 9 I got to learn with was very diverse. There were teachers, educational advisers, service providers, all wanting to increase their skills in facilitation. I was impressed at how flexible the program was, and specifically how no matter where you are in your journey, that you’re invited to grow from where you are.

They are working on a training to support facilitation skills to groups serving more complex needs. I am pretty excited for that! What a great way to normalize that our community is full of all kinds of amazing people, all expressing and experiencing life in a different way.

What I wish

The only thing I can say if that I wish I would have taken the 5 day! It counts for credit at the University of Winnipeg, and I feel like more skills in guiding groups is always valuable to have. Especially being able to adapt already created lesson plans into interactive and fun sessions. Incredible, right?

Learn more about them here: http://www.winnipegtransitioncentre.com/ 

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