Winnipeg March for Mental Health Spotlight – Alice Rose

Alice Rose, Inspire Community Outreach Inc. Get Your Art On! facilitator and organization consultant, will be one of our amazing guest speakers at this year’s Winnipeg March for Mental Health on May 6th.

Get to know more about Alice Rose as she shares her story:

I am a first generation Canadian, born originally on a small farm in the British countryside. I am a trained and certified Montessori Teacher with a great deal of experience both professionally and personally in the field of Mental Health and recovery. I currently facilitate an art for wellness program with Inspire Community Outreach, where students can express themselves creatively and develop positive coping skills to combat stress.

 I immigrated from England having studied Social and Developmental Psychology, Student and Child Counselling, and Child Growth and Development. I have also had extensive training in several positive Mental Wellness Courses: Harm Reduction, Distress Tolerance, Communication and Assertiveness, Developing the Self, Creating Positive Coping Strategies, Addressing Distorted and Black and White Thinking, Emotional Self Regulation, DBT, CBT, and Mindfulness. My connection to mental health is intellectual and occupational yes, but it is also emotional. I advocate for positive change within our community in regards to mental health because I know personally just how important it is.

A couple of years ago I had this idea of bringing Winnipeg together for a March for Mental Health. So, I talked to Angela Taylor, the director and founder of Inspire Community Outreach, and we made it happen. 2016 was the first of many years to come that we will all march together as a community; to raise awareness, to lower stigma and to ultimately celebrate the strength of people living with differences and their families.

Alice Rose is one of the brilliant guest speakers we have at the Winnipeg March for Mental Health. Catch Alice’s speech on May 6, 2017 at St. Vital Park from 1pm-4pm.

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