Angela Taylor, PhD Candidate, MA, PBDE

Founder and CEO
Brief info

Angela is Inspire's Founder and CEO. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Manitoba, with a major in Psychology and a minor in Sociology and a Post Bacc in Education, focusing on inclusion. She has her Master’s in Disability Studies from the University of Manitoba and is currently a PhD candidate focusing on complex neurology and behaviour, and effective care.

She is a Mental Health and Disability Specialist with an eclectic therapeutic approach that includes brainspotting trauma processing, attachment, cognitive behaviour therapy, positive psychology, CPS model (Collaborative & Proactive Solutions) supports, among others.

Angela is an advocate, artist, writer, researcher, and acts as a consultant to non-profits, including supporting multiple clinical teams throughout Canada. She has over 24 years experience supporting community.

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Inspire Community Outreach